Kerosene Heater Safety
Kerosene Heater Safety
Heating Bills have continued to be a source of frustration and sometimes, hardship for many Ohioans. In an effort to resolve that problem, more consumers are turning to alternative heating methods such as wood burning stoves, electric space heaters, and kerosene heaters. The later has especially been the popular choice of urban dwellers. Kerosene heaters have been around for many years and the latest models are more economical, portable, and safer to use than ever before. Despite these improvements, fires in Ohio caused by kerosene heaters continue. Most of these blazes were the result of improper use of the heater by the consumer. This guide attempts to instruct kerosene heater owners on the proper way to operate the device, what type of fuel should be used, and what features to look for when shopping for a kerosene heater.