trucklights 966x153

Run/Call Information


  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
January 110 81 89 76 90 86 88 64 77 88 87 51
February 103 72 72 74 79 91 76 96 71 71 81 57
March 106 120 74 101 85 100 66 78 82 72 60 60
April 117 116 80 98 73 80 81 73 76 87 72 60
May 120 125 94 98 84 91 74 65 52 70 79 54
June 111 114 103 72 69 89 87 108 91 73 60 53
July 127 108 87 83 77 101 81 71 83 95 78 67
August 131 131 101 80 102 108 95 92 121 74 82 71
September 84 135 90 88 82 99 70 90 87 93 74 51
October 96 129 108 111 88 89 89 73 66 78 95 52
November --- 121 85 84 96 78 84 61 75 74 74 68
December --- 128 120 123 87 73 74 79 86 107 54 57
Total 1,102 1,378 1,103 1,088 1,012 1,085 967 950 967 894 896 701


Run Stats:
Average response time to all incidents from time of dispatch to the time of arrival: (The national average is 8 minutes.) 5 minutes & 41 seconds
Automatic Mutual Aid responses to fires outside of the city: (We respond automatically to fires in Rossford, Lake Twp., Perrysburg Twp, & Allen-Clay.) 31 incidents
Automatic Mutual Aid brought in to the city: (We receive auto-aid from Rossford, Lake, Perrysburg Twp, & Allen-Clay.) 8 incidents
Provided EMS mutual aid outside the city: (We respond to EMS runs for Rossford, Lake Twp, Perrysburg Twp, & Oregon when they need assistance.) 122 incidents
Used EMS Mutual Aid: (When we need assistance, we can request our mutual aid departments to send a medic unit.) 21 incidents
Simultaneous Incidents: (Number of times we had more than one call for service open at the same time.) 77 incidents
EMS Patients Transported: 479
Percentage of time we are staffed by at least one Paramedic: 53%
Updated: October 2024