group 966x153

Fire Inspections

The Northwood Fire Department conducts annual fire inspections for commercial business. These inspections are performed to ensure that minimum standards and regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property are adhered too.

Fire Inspections are conducted in accordance with applicable City Ordinances, State of Ohio Fire Code and NFPA Standards. The inspections shall be conducted at reasonable time, which is convenient to the business being inspected. If an appointment is required please inform the Inspectors upon their arrival or contact the Fire Chief to schedule. Office- 419-690-1647.

Fee Notice – The City of Northwood provides inspection services free of charge at this time. No fee is incurred until the Fire Prevention Bureau has to return for multiple follow up inspections at a location. For further information on our billing system please contact the Fire Chief.

Knox Box – The fire department encourages all businesses in Northwood to install a Knox Box at their facility. This special lock box, allows fire department personnel quick access into your facility in the event of a fire or fire alarm. Boxes are also available in residential occupancies where the resident is at risk for a medical condition which may limit their ability to unlock a door in the event of a medical emergency.

Refer to this web site for more information.

Contact the Fire Chief at 419-690-1647 if you are interested in adding a Knox Box at your facility.



Fire Inspection Checklist

We have compiled a list of the most common hazards to assist you in preparing your business for a fire safety inspection. Feel free to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your inspector.

Interior Hazards

____ Do you have at least a thirty-six inch wide path to all of your exit doors?

____ Do your exit doors open freely, with little effort, and are they unlocked?

____ If equipped, are all fire doors able to close freely, and free of hold open devices?

____ If equipped, are all exit and emergency lights operating, including backup power?

____ Is storage contained so that nothing capable of burning is within two feet of the ceiling?

____ Do you have at least thirty six inches clear space around your furnace, water heater, and other heat-producing appliances?

____ Do you keep the area underneath exposed interior stairwells free of storage?

____ Are your walls and ceiling free of holes or missing acoustical tiles?

____ Do you have all compressed gas cylinders secured or chained so they can’t fall over?

____ Are flammable liquids identified and stored in their original container?

____ Are utility shutoffs, fire alarm panels, and sprinkler controls easily accessible to firefighters in the case of an emergency?

____ Are utility shutoffs, fire alarm panels, and sprinkler controls clearly labeled?

____ Is your maximum occupancy posted?

Electrical Hazards

___ Is your business free of electrical overload, extension cords, and multi-plug adapters?

____ Are all electric outlet and switch contacts covered with a safety plate?

____ Is your business free of any open electric boxes, exposed wiring, or open spaces in your fuse /breaker panel?

____ Do you have at least a thirty-six inch clearance around any fuse / breaker panel?

____ Is your fuse / breaker panel clearly labeled so power can be disconnected quickly in the event of an emergency?

Exterior Hazards

____ Are you storing anything that could burn close to your building or under overhangs?

____ If your business has a designated fire lane, are the signs and/or paint markings in good condition?

____ Is your address clearly visible from the street with at least four inch contrasting numbers?

____ Is there at least three feet of clear space around any fire hydrants on the property?

____ Are smoking areas clearly identified and proper Cigarette receptacles provided?

____ Are the Fire Department Connections clearly marked

Fire Extinguishers

____ Do you have a fire extinguisher installed so that an individual would not have to travel more than seventy-five feet to access one?

____ Are all fire extinguishers within clear view and easily accessible?

____ Have all fire extinguishers been inspected and tagged

Fire Sprinkler Systems

Some buildings require a fire sprinkler system because of the size of the building or the type of business operation. If you have a sprinkler system installed, be sure to check the following:

____ has the fire sprinkler system been inspected and tagged by a qualified contractor within the past year?

____ is there at least three feet of clear space around sprinkler connections and valves?

____ Are spare sprinkler heads and an appropriate wrench installed in a cabinet near the sprinkler riser?

____ Are sprinkler control valves chained open or maintained by a fire alarm system?

____ is the fire department connection on the outside of the building free of obstruction and are the caps in place?

Fire Alarm Systems

Some buildings require a fire alarm system because of the number of occupants or the type of business operation. If you have a fire alarm system installed, be sure to check the following:

____ does the fire alarm system show “Trouble” or “Alarm” on the keypad or alarm panel? If so, contact a qualified alarm contractor to restore your system.